
How to solve the problem of the missing DLL

DLL is short the dynamic link library. The total number of application programs is not executable in Windows. They are separated into DLLs, cut brought to market. Called when you run an application some DLL file. An application program can be controlled by more than one DLL file and a DLL can be used for many applications. Saved for DLLs in the directory c:\Windows\System32. If a particular file is accidentally deleted the reporting system "-lost dll files during startup of the computer."

1. which program use this DLL

Include a right-click on the application and use the command "Preview" in the table "", are the DLL files that are used. Can visualization as DLLs, DLL files software can be found under.

2. What is a DLL programs used

Run "Regedit", subkey of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsrft\Windows\Current Version\SharedDlls in the right pane shows the DLL files and the amount of data in parentheses on the right shows the number of programs that use the DLL. "For example, shows (2), that the DLL is used by applications and tools (0), that uses the DLL programs."

3. how to solve the problem of the DLL is missing

Sometimes, when a program to remove the DLL file is accidentally deleted, affect the operation of other applications. When a file is deleted, the reporting system "-lost dll files during startup of the computer." You can specify the name of the deleted file, if you "" SYSBCKUP"(backup-Ordner) find the DLL and copy it to the system folder. If you can not determine the name, go to "Start" → "run" msconfig "" command at the entrance, the dialog system configuration utility, click "System". INI tab, select missing find DLL, and clear the check box in the DLL files.


What blocks your hard external USB drive or a thumb drive?

Never had said by Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 that you cannot eject an external storage device, such as a thumb drive USB, MP3 player or hard drive?

Something is obviously block your device - but what happens if all of your applications are close? Unplugging is not a good idea because then you can look for loss of data or even media file system corruption. To avoid this, we'll show you how to use a Windows Sysinternal tool very advanced to find the application, service, or a background process that has a grip on your device and explain why.

Process Explorer to the rescue!
We’ve previously mentioned Process Explorer a couple of times—it’s an extremely powerful tool which shows you all currently running processes, their dependencies, their DLLs used, their exact CPU/RAM usage, all disk activity, network traffic, and a lot of other information which only the most advanced Windows kernel hackers will ever need or understand. Process Explorer is also capable of figuring out which processes are constantly using your external devices. Here’s how it works:

1.    Go to “Computer” and figure out which drive letter is assigned to your USB thumb drive, MP3 player, external hard disk, or other external device. In this example, it’s “G:”.

2.    Download Process Explorer from this URL and unpack the “ProcessExplorer.zip” file. Inside, you’ll find “procexp.exe”. Open it.

3.    Now, you’ll see a list of all currently running processes. But which one is keeping your external device busy? Look for the drive letter! Go to “Find” and “Find Handle or DLL” first. Then, type in the drive letter of your device.

4.    The first four entries belong to your file system which is designed to automatically block and unblock a device. Then, Windows-Explorer appears to have a lock on G:, but that disappears once I close the window. So, what is left? A process called “Iedit_.exe” with the Process ID “4336″. A quick look at the process list (or an online search) reveals the culprit: PhotoImpact X3!

5.    Now, as you might have guessed, I staged this file block with a foreground application. To do so, I simply opened a file from G:, but this might very well be a service or a process that you need to kill by closing background apps in the system tray…

…or by forcefully killing them using Process Explorer. But be warned, forcefully killing an application could also lead to some data loss, depending on the type of application. Tough, in general, it’s safer than just yanking out the device.

And voilà! You will finally be able to remove your drive without any issues whatsoever. Of course, this solution also works with files that you can’t delete or remove.